2025 Adirondack Bank Innertube Races
Who's the fastest tuber?
To experience a "sporting" event for the entire family, the Winter Carnival Innertube Races are the way to go. This family-oriented event is held at Mount Pisgah, the village's ski center, on the second Friday of Winter Carnival. It routinely has the greatest number of participants of any of the Winter Carnival sporting events.
The "tubers" are released in groups of four, with others of their age group. Times are recorded, and the fastest tubers in their age groups receive awards. Age group competition starts from youngest group and proceeds up to the masters division. Pre-registration is available, as well as on race day. Innertubes are provided. Helmets are not, but their use is encouraged.
Youngest age groups will start first at 10:00am and once the group is complete, the next group will start. Times are recorded after each age group and awards will be acknowledged.
Please be at the registration table and available for your age group. Start times will vary based on number of participants. Hang out, play in the snow and grab a cup of cocoa while you wait
The race owes its success to Adirondack Bank, the village of Saranac Lake, Mount Pisgah staff, Adirondack Tire and North Country Community College students.
Children's Event Fees are paid for by Saranac Lake Kiwanis Club.
Sponsor: Adirondack Bank